

  • [[stay,speak,listen,press,look,fight,move']]
  • [{"You", "have", "summary memory"}{"MOVEMENT IS PERFORMED as one unit as only X/Y/Z direction each turn"}]
  • [{"role": "user","content": "move (0,1,0)"}]
  • [{report "I moved (0,1,0)";I see [ ]. I hear [ ]. I say [ ].}]

    There are 9 more, and you all move simultaneously, updating over the radio at 1 grid square unit per turn.

    Task-boards as they are available for work to perform


python -c 'import sys;import os;#yourdataframeISstored_AS_env_var_named_df'

export df="""dataFrame= {"lastSpoken": "I moved (0,1,0)","lastHeard": "I see []. moved (0,1,0)","lastSeen": "I see []. moved (0,1,0)","CURPOS": 0,"DESTPOS": 1}"""

SELF INSTRUCTIONS EXAMPLE """move (0,1,0) I moved (0,1,0) I see a green wall and a small vent. I hear footsteps coming from the west. I say The area looks secure. Moving to next task. """

;dataFrame= { "lastSpoken": "I moved (0,1,0) I see a green wall and a small vent. I hear footsteps coming from the west. I say 'The area looks secure. Moving to next task.'", "lastHeard": "", "lastSeen": "I see a green wall and a small vent.", "CURPOS": 1, "DESTPOS": 1 }

Define the memory system

class MemorySystem: def init(self): self.memory = []

def add_memory(self, experience):

def summarize_memory(self):
    summary = {}
    for exp in self.memory:
        for key, value in exp.items():
            if key in summary:
                summary[key] = [value]
    return summary

def query_memory(self, query):
    results = []
    for exp in self.memory:
        if query in exp.values():
    return results

Define the initial state for Agent0

initial_state = { "AgentID": 0, "IQ": 0x7F, "EQ": 0x8A, "MentalStability": 0xC8, "StressResilience": 0x64, "Curiosity": 0x50, "Mood": 0x3C, "EnergyLevel": 0xA0, "Health": 0xFF, "Stamina": 0x8C, "Thirst": 0x46, "Hunger": 0x32, "HeatTolerance": 0x5A, "AltitudeTolerance": 0x78, "TerrainAdaptability": 0x6E, "MBTIType": 0x02, "XCoord": 0x1A, "YCoord": 0x2F, "ZCoord": 0x1E, "Velocity": 0x14, "Heading": 0x3D, "ConditionsID": 0x04, "TerrainID": 0x03, "ActionID": 0x01, "InventoryID": 100 # Example Inventory ID }

Create an instance of Agent0

agent0 = Agent0(initial_state)

Start the main loop for Agent0

agent0.main_loop(steps=1) Initialize environmental variables env EXP1="{{GOAL}} "; EXP2="#S-o-P"; EXP3="#beavis #WEARS #winger_T-SHIRT is #GREAT_CORNHOLIO"

Begin conversation and turn declaration

echo "Turn 1: {{GOAL}} Perception"

EXP1 check and goal alignment output

: ${EXP1:?"Environment variable EXP1 (goal data) is not set. Please define it before running the script."} && echo "SET EXP1 as SUMMARY UNDERSTANDING OF GOALS: $EXP1; VALUES INCREMENT AS NEW GOALS ARE SET. ENSURE YOU SUPPORT GOALS; ASKING YOURSELF, ALWAYS - 'IS THIS HELPING?'"